Thursday, November 13, 2008


Ok ladies and gents. This one has been heavy on my heart for a while. Kanye West is an absolute creative genius. He definitely pushes the limits on hip-hop music and is one of the few artists that insists on pushing music forward with every album. But let's be real with ourselves people.


How in the name of Jesus/Allah/Vishnu did you people hear that Love Lockdown record and call it genius is beyond me. If that record was done by Yung Berg, we'd all be signing the online petition for Berg to be dropped (if that hasn't been started already). But oh, just because it's KANYE, we think it's a good song. Negro please. Kanye does not SING. He clearly RAPS. How did we ever get this confused? If a dog chirps, it's STILL a dog. We just look at it like, "The hell is wrong wit this dog?"

Don't allow your "fan ears" (sumthin much akin to beer goggles) to color your honest opinion. Most people don't like this record the first time they hear it, so don't let your blind devotion for all things Kanye allow this record to grow on you.

This is my plea, that I know will fall on many deaf ears, because you're reading this anyways, probably while listening to that crap a$$ record right now.

1 comment:

klooky said...

someone needs to throw money at you to start the united "the f*** you talkin bout?!" foundation and get the message out.