Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Washington Post Lady

- My sister sent me the article by that DC chick about being a lonely young successful black woman. I'm done having that discussion altogether. The only ones seemingly even caring about the topic in general are single women and single negroes. My solution is how about you fools arguing about it try dating each other and see if that works out? Or maybe you guys are single because you spend so much time arguing about sh*t and not making it happen.

Me personally, I've never had a problem getting a girlfriend. When I wanted one, I got one. Simple as that. Even now, if I wanted to have a girlfriend, I know a few women who have definitely put their bid in. Not saying this to brag, but I've just never understood, how someone can't find a significant other. Even for most of the young successful black women I know, it seems to me that they don't have a man because they choose not to have one. It seems, again in my opinion, that if a woman is attractive, or even somewhat attractive, you can go find a man if you really want one.

Now I'm not saying that soulmates fall off of trees, because I know they don't. But I do believe that if you are a young, successful, good looking black woman and you can't find a boo to cuddle with through the winter, the problem might just be you sweetheart.

Simple as that, for yo simple a$$...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

E - Nice post! I have some strong opinions about Helena and that WP article. I recorded a video response yesterday. Would love to get your feedback (it's work place safe).
