Monday, July 20, 2009

Laws of Cell Phone Usage

I really really really dislike when people get in my car and get on their cell phone. Maybe I'm just old school like that, but I've always thought it rude to have an extended cell phone conversation in close proximity to anyone, ANYWHERE. If I know it's going to be a long conversation, I will excuse myself and go somewhere else. I find it especially irritating when I get in the car with people who don't seem to recognize that someone is in the car with them. Firstly, I dislike it because I'm one that likes to enjoy music in my car. It's one of the few places where I get to listen to music with no distractions. So when someone gets in my car, then gets on the phone and says, "Can you turn it down?" I really want to reach across them, open the passenger door, and boot their a$$ outta my car. I don't care who you're talking too, it's real easy to say, "Hey, I'm in the car with someone, and I don't wanna be rude, so I'll call you back in a minute..." See how simple that was?

Secondly, when you get in my car and get on the phone, I'm thinking "Well bump you too then..." I know I'm not the king of talking about nothing, I think I can hold some form of stimulating conversation. How you gonna just get in the car and get on the phone ALL the way to where we going? That's WACK HOMIE!

Anyways...I'm just venting...


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