Saturday, March 29, 2008

Internet Icebergs

Now let's talk about a disturbing trend. With the advent of social networking sites from BlackPlanet to Facebook to Myspace, some negroes have begun to operate with the assumption that it is okay to attempt to shoot game online to unsuspecting females. I had heard rumors of this rubbish and never had personally witnessed this "digipimpin" but this debacle landed on my doorstep a few weeks ago...

A couple months ago, I decided the picture on my facebook profile would be dedicated to the magical creation that is a woman. In other words, models and video vixens adorn my profile pics. Now the first couple months were pretty much met with some sprinkles of hate from female friends (of course) and fanmail from negroes who tended to check for a new profile pic when they asses supposed to be working (of course). Well, recently, I have been receiving personal messages from these internet lames that think they got some game. Messages have ranged from the overconfident (Hey Beautiful! How about I take you out?) to the overly self-deprecating (I normally don't do this...but).

Now while I normally don't try to generalize (I'm lyin, of course I do), these digi-dummies have one thing in common...


Unacceptable people. First rule of any kind of mackin is know who the hell you're talkin to. I wonder how these web weiners (Am I killin the internet alliteration?Ok. I'll stop.) Manage to skip the name next to the picture. It's not like my name is sexually ambiguous in any way. If you've ever met a female Eric, slap her parents. PLEASE. I'm talkin Mike-Epps-in-How-High-style wit the baby powder and everything...

Now some of these croutons do get a pass because they're foreign. They can't read the name all they see is the booty. Understandable. Wait. No they don't. How in God's name could anybody pimp online wit a foreigner who's working with a completely different keyboard anyways? Unless you're sending nudie pics how could he/she get the hint? I'm rambling lemme wrap it up.

I, personally, find internet pimpin lame. Bishop Don Juan does too. So does Suga Free. And Bill Clinton. Him too.

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