Saturday, October 31, 2009

Lil Boy Crushes

I usually have no problem talking to a woman, even one of the them "model chicks" that most dudes won't even approach...But these chicks...for some reason...I think I would juz smile and cheese like a lil boy if they ever spoke to me...

I'm lyin...U know I'd GET IT IN :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I met an "interesting" young lady at work today. She works at the same place but for a different company. I had gotten to work a little early today and she had said hello to me a few times but today she decided to stop and speak for a lil bit. We got to talkin about the usual, hometowns, how long you been in atlantas, whoopty whoop...She tells me about her education aspirations and how she wants to go back to get her masters...I tell her about my law school ambitions. After a lil while she pauses for a second and says, "You're rare." I asked her how so, and she said she was referring to me being young, educated, with a job, and being a black man with no kids made me somewhat of a rarity. She went on to say she had cousins and friends that were looking for a man...I didn't respond. Frankly, I didn't know what to say to that...

I've heard many times about how hard it is for black women to find men that are "on their level". What is perplexing to me is how women are the main ones that are propagating this idea. From conducting studies to show it, to making movies regarding it, I fail to understand why women so openly indulge in what seems to be (to me) negative thinking. I know single black men that have jobs, cars, and cribs and they will say that it's hard to find a "good woman".

I'm a believer that it's all a matter of perception. I think if you get what you attract. I have (so far) always found myself attracting those type of women that most men would consider "wifey material". I don't have any kind of special game I kick, nor do I pay much attention to hanging out with the "right" kind of crowds. I just seem to attract "good" women. I would like to believe it is because I'm a "good" man (most of the time). That is not to say that if you haven't met a "good" man/woman, there is something wrong with you, it could just be that it isn't in God's plan for you to have found your SO yet. But I do believe that there are many more "good" people on this Earth than society would like to acknowledge, and if you've lived all of your life and haven't met a "good" SO...then...

Monday, October 26, 2009


“Choice of aim is clearly a matter of clarification of values, especially on the choice between possible options.”
- W. Edwards Deming

I would like to think that I was blessed enough to be a little taller, more handsome, and smarter than your average bear, thus being the reason I've always felt like I've had options. When I say options, I mean that I've always had an inner conviction that no one is the determiner of my fate but me. In any given situation, good or bad, I feel like I am the one that put myself there.

Currently, I am struggling internally with what I feel are my options. Behind door number 1 I have my new job. Like I've mentioned before, I can make some great money in a relatively short period of time. This would allow me to do some things I've always wanted to do, like spoil my mom, sister, and brothers, build a stronger financial foundation for myself, and to be honest, spoil myself a little bit. Also, my manager has taken a liking to me, and has made it known that he wants to put me on the fast track to management within the company (and another level of income). I fear becoming so in love with the money, that I lose myself and who I want to be. Behind door number 2 is law school. A law degree has been a goal of mine and I know that I have a gift and passion for the law. I want to enroll in a JD/MBA program next year. My struggle is would I want to do it part-time or full-time. I don't want to be in school for another decade trying to finish part-time, but I also don't want to cut off everything else in my life(something that I hear you must do to be successful in law school) to finish. Behind door number 3 is my current position within the music industry. Being in the industry, you know you're life can change overnight. No one wants to be left outside looking in at something they sacrificed so much for. Also, I and the people I live with have become almost family and a part of me feels like when/if I do take my life in another direction, I will be letting them down and burning that bridge.

In the little down time (lately) that I've been getting, I try to figure out what I want to do, and have bounced my thoughts off of a few other people. I'm trying to listen to what God wants me to do with my life, but I feel like I'm getting different signals each day/minute/moment...

Sunday, October 25, 2009



Thinking Man's Moment

How is every show on CBS TV's #1 show?

just asking...

Today Was A Good Day

Today was looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong...but it was worth it. I made some great money today. Plus, I outsold the guy who trained with me, so HOWBOUTDEMAPPLES?!

I was feeling a little bit down because it was still less than some of my co-workers, but my boss told me that I only sold one less than he did his first day, so I felt much better. I'm on my way to six figures (yes at this job you can make six figures)! I can feel it!

Also, had a good conversation with a chick who works where I work while she attends law school part time. She told me to give her a call if I ever want to talk more about it with her (think she was tryin to holla).

Lastly, got a stalker today. Some chick I sold the product to. She was waiting on her flight and decided to sit by me for a couple hours while I was working, trying to make conversation (way too thirsty). We had a few jokes at her expense (not to her face tho..)

All in was a good day...OOH WOWU!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Work Theme Song

I will now be listening to this song before I go to work from now on...and will be humming it in my head the whole day tomorrow as well...

Not hatin on the O'Jays original...but in my day...we kicked the ballistics!

Competitive Streak

I'm competitive. I'm talking so competitive that if we're competing I hate you, and it might even continue after we've stopped competing because I've told myself how much I don't like you that it's hard to just turn that feeling off. I've always been an athlete. I played baseball, basketball, football, and soccer when I was little, until I decided I wanted to play just basketball and played that throughout school.

Anyways, at the job, me and this other guy James (not his name) are training together for our sales job. Today he and I had to sell the product to 20 people apiece so we could get the opportunity to get off of the training salary and start making our own commission off of our sales. So me being competitive, I got to work an hour early so I could get a head start. I get there and I run into one of my new co-workers who says, "Yo E! I'm glad you're here. I need to take a quick break and go to the bathroom. Can you watch my area for a second?" Honestly, my head was saying, "Hell no negro", but my mouth said yes. So he races off with his phone to his ear and says he's also going to call my trainer and let him know I'm here. That quick break turns into 30 minutes, at which point I'm disgusted with dude I'm covering for because this wasn't the purpose of me coming in early. He finally comes back and I make note to never cover for this ni@@er (notice the "er") again.

So he smashes my head start plan and we really end up beginning at the same time. As the day goes on, I'm 1 or 2 sales ahead of James all day. It slows down for a time, and James catches up to me, but I close out the day with a quick group of 4 to finish up with 19 for the day. So as we walk back to the breakroom, my trainer says that our manager wants to meet with us before we go to explain what the next step is, and he's going to decide whether or not we get off of the training schedule to commission pay. My trainer says that me and James are ready to make commission and we should be on commission tomorrow.

So we get into the breakroom and our manager comes in. He tells me to wait and tells James to come to the next table so he can have a short talk with him. My gut says something is wrong because if we were both good than he would've just came in and said we're both ready and sent us on our way. Anyways, I hear our manager tell James that he's ready and will begin commission work tomorrow. My mind instantly yells out "MAN THIS SOME BULLSH*T!" My manager calls me over and says that I did a good job today, but (of all people) my TRAINER says that I'm not aggressive enough therefore I need another training shift. At this point I want to spaz, but I play it off pretty well. He offers me the "opportunity" to come in and work the 1st shift as a trainee, then work the 2nd shift on commission. I say I will (meanwhile in my mind, I'm beatin to the white meat the heads of James and my trainer).

As I was driving home, I was thinking how I should address this. Now I feel some kinda way towards my trainer for, it seems, not keeping it 100 with me and telling me he was gonna throw salt before I have to hear it from my manager. Also, as I was making one of my last sales, one of my customers told my trainer how good of a salesman I was! Now I also thought that maybe my manager put it on my trainer because he ain't wanna man up. I thought that maybe tomorrow I would address it with my trainer tomorrow, but I've decided to say f@ck it and run with it because I'm still getting paid for training so I have an opportunity to make a lot of money tomorrow if I take advantage (way to turn lemons into lemonade right?)

In conclusion, I'm working from 6:45am - 8pm tomorrow. Ain't dat bout a b!tch?

Friday, October 23, 2009


At my job, I've noticed that most of the guys that work there are married with children. And from what it seems, happily married. Working at the airport, you see beautiful women all over the place. Hartsfield is the busiest airport in the world, so as you can expect, beautiful people from all over the country fly through daily. What I can't understand is virtually all of the married men are so openly "thirsty" after other women. Telling me how to get numbers without appearing to be flirting and the like. I make an effort to not venture to assume anything about the status of their marriages, but I do question how you are bold enough to "holla" with a wedding ring on.

While I was in college, my ex and I wore something akin to promise rings on our wedding fingers (I had discussed to her a friend of mine that was doing that and she suggested we do the same...long story short). Me personally, I felt that the ring was a constant reminder of her. We were dating long distance at the time, and I kind of felt like Frodo from Lord of the Rings, when I put the ring on she was watching me. Needless to say, there was no cheating during that time (could have also been to us still being in the somewhat honeymoon period, but that's neither here nor there).

Let me qualify by saying that I have cheated in the past. But I won't go as far as saying that I am a cheater (I believed I addressed this in an earlier blog). But one thing that I know I will not do is cheat on my wife. I've had this conversation with a few friends of mine who also agree that they will not cheat on their wife. Most of the thinking behind this I've found is based on the idea that marriage is a vow before God, thus it is placed on a higher pedestal than dating someone (most men do value marriage more than women think they do btw).

Now I've heard the "once a cheater, always a cheater" and "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", but I disagree with the premise that people don't change. I agree that you can't change people, but that doesn't mean that they cannot change themselves. In fact, I believe people are in a perpetual state of change. When you fail to change, you begin to die. I also believe anyone can change anything they want to about themselves, with hard work, determination, and God.

I haven't discussed this much with women, so I don't know if they judge a difference between say, dating someone for 2-3 years, and marrying them, but I will say that for most men, at least the ones that I know, there is a HUGE difference.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


1st day on the job was sum it up...I'm tired...goodnite.

Current Playlist

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dr. Seuss

I read this book the other day. I missed it, but I was doing my nerdy habit of wikipedia-ing (not a word I know) random persons, places, and things, and found out that this book is typically a present for resent graduates and/or people going through significant changes in their lives and I found this book to be extremely uplifting to my spirit. I remember two authors primarily from my childhood, Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein. They helped me fall in love with reading at an early age...Anyways...I'll leave you with my favorite Dr. Seuss quote EVER...

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

Saturday, October 17, 2009

God Works....

I got this email from a particularly fantastic website

"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps."
-Proverbs 16:9

Again...right on time...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Baby Boy

When I left my (in hindsight) cushy law clerk job to pursue my interests in the music industry, I was excited. Excited about the possibilities. Excited about meeting new people, some of them famous (a lil groupie-ish I kno). What I was most excited about was jumping into a culture surrounded by risk-takers. People that "bucked the system", created new trends. People that were willing to sacrifice everything for their dreams. What I didn't realize was in that jumping aboard that train, I also plunged myself into one of my worst nightmares; a vicious cycle of dependency upon others.

My first job I worked for free at a management/consulting company. I consulted clients on legal matters, educated them on the basics of contract law, etc. How was I able to work for free and still eat you ask? With the support of my girlfriend at the time (whom I had to move in with to take the job) and my mother who always supports me even when she knows I'm being a dumba$$. Fast forward about 2 years, and I have another "job" (also free) with a more prestigious company, working with some of the industry's best and brightest. Then, my girlfriend at the time and I break up. Guess what Jody? Pack your sh*t and kick rocks. Ok. Bet. I end up moving in with another guy that I started working for (not quite free, but close) who also works with some of the industry's best and brightest. Fast forward another year. I attain my epiphany that I wrote about a couple weeks ago, and commit myself to finding a job and getting into law school. "Boss" notices the extra time I spend on the computer. He notices the law school informational letters I get almost everyday. "Boss" says to me, "I think you have another agenda, like you don't really wanna be here." I respond with silence (telling myself I saw this comin). "Boss" says, "I think it's best we part ways now before money shows up. You can stay while you're working out your job and new living situation." Ok. Bet.

Had a long conversation with my mom (my rock) about the whole situation and after she gives me what amounts to an hour long "I told you so", she says some deep sh*t:

"You never really learn who you are until you learn how to take care of yourself. Being able to build and sustain that kind of independence always gives you a hope. A hope that no matter what happens, you can get through it...See, that was yo daddy's problem (starts soundin like Charlie Brown's teacher)..."

Word. I've learned a lot about myself in the time that I've separated from my on-and-off SO of about 7 years. I honestly didn't know as much as I thought I did about myself. I really had no clue what to do without her. Were the things I wanted to do what I really wanted to do or were they things I trained myself to enjoy in a relationship? I have since gained much more insight about myself, but there was always a feeling of slight discontentment with my disposition in life. I knew it was time for me to take the next step and I know this is the impetus God has given me to make that next step. I have a new job (thank God!) and am currently dreaming about what I would put in an apartment that was mine, all mine. Ain't gonna be no ni@@a in the kitchen butt naked making breakfast (not that that's ever happened to me before, but you get the reference). If any ni@@a in the kitchen butt naked, it's gonna be ME.

I can't wait...

"Discontent is want of self-reliance; it is infirmity of will."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fact vs. Opinion

Too many people, myself sometimes included, have the irritating tendency to state their opinion as fact. As an admitted (and hopefully reformed) perpetrator, I can say that it comes from an arrogant inner belief that "I know more than you" therefore my opinion as compared to yours is more substantive. The "factual opinion" will come out dripping with condescension and you may notice your temper flaring up during the discussion but I implore you to reconsider. Any noticeable anger will only be seen as further confirmation by the perpetrator that he/she is indeed more intellectual than you as you cannot control your emotions in debate.

The funny thing about people that engage in this form of assertions, they are, more often than not, wrong about whatever they are discussing. Condescension is used as a tool to manipulate the emotions of their opponent because they, again more often than not, lack the proper amount of knowledge required about the subject to continue the intellectual discourse. Another typical attribute of these perpetrators is they tend to take a dissenting opinion as a personal attack, therefore they may resort to ad hominem attacks to systematically deconstruct, not only the challenging commentary, but the commentator as well.

The key to defeating these arrogant and petty methods is to understand what they are at their base; arrogant and petty individuals. There is no need to indulge their self-serving assertions much of the time. If there is ever a time when you must engage the ignorance head-on, remember to remain calm at all times, do your best to keep the focus of discussion on the topic at hand, keep the debate as short as possible, and take solace in the idea that with every battle with ignorance, you become more adept at discerning its origins and dismantling its foundations. Good luck.

PS - For the record a FACT is something that can be proved or backed up with evidence. An opinion is based on a belief or view. Facts are facts, and we hope opinions are conclusions based UPON facts.

ADD Blog

- Obama does NOT deserve the Nobel Peace's YOUR healthcare looking?

- I went to Sonic for the first time Friday and let my inner fat boy out. It was ugly. I won't give the details. Just know that if I plan on keeping my current weight (183lbs), I won't be takin my black a$$ there again anytime soon.

- I had my first "I think I'm getting old" moment Friday night. One of the lil homies had his 20 birthday party at his crib and I stopped through to give him my blessing. After about 20 mins, I noticed the room full of skinny jeans and extremely too loud talking and said to myself "Wtf am I doin here?!" I exited stage left promptly.

- We've all heard of the pretty women problem of thirsty negroes tryin to holla while they're shoppin at wal-mart/target. What we haven't heard enough of is the handsome negro problem of thirsty females tryin to make eye contact while you shoppin at wal-mart/target tryin to get you to holla at them. It's called esteem of SELF simpleb#@ch...

- Note to women...if that ain't yo man...he's DEFINITELY gonna show those pictures and/or videos of yo butt booty naked a$$ to ALL of the know it. He knows it. Stop actin so d@mn green...

- I realized yet again how much a dude will change about himself if he really likes a girl watchin one of the homies fall in love (AGAIN). It's absolutely amazing how a special woman can change a man. I know me personally, I'd much rather take a dinner and a movie than a night out at the club any day (If I like ya)....I'd prefer a day chillin at the crib with movie rentals, fattening food, and moscato over dinner and a movie or a night out at the club any day (If I REALLY like ya)...

- These last few months of the year are going to be good...I can feel it!

Friday, October 9, 2009


Here's to hoping Detox comes out before I die...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Theme Song

From Hot Sh*t 2 Not Sh*t

Have you ever wanted something for a long time? I mean got really excited about the possibility of getting something, and then you see the wrong person with it and you don't want it anymore?

Maybe it's just me, but that happened to me yesterday. I had my interview for a new job yesterday (which I got btw), and the guy who was interviewing me had a Blackberry Bold. I've been with AT&T for a couple of years now and I was so gassed up about this month because I'm eligible for an upgrade and I wanted to get the Bold. I've had a Curve for what seems like ages, and nobody could convince me otherwise about getting the Bold. If I had $300 in my pocket, I don't care if it was the Bold or food, I was getting the d@mn phone (ni@@erish I know, but we all have our vices). Anyways, I was turned off by the interviewer from the jump because the whole time he was asking me questions, he was checking emails on his crackberry. Lord knows I understand how it is hard to put that thing down when you get into e-beast mode, but I do my best not to disrespect anyone with my BB-gangsta. He keeps saying how sorry he is that he's got the d@mn phone to his face like a Gameboy (did I just say that?) while I'm talking all professional-like, and I of course, tell him not to worry because what else am I gonna say? Put down your phone and interview me like a real person (how to lose a job before you get it 101)? The whole time I'm talking to him and looking at the back of his Bold, I kept thinking to myself, "That phone ain't the bizness like that." I knew it wasn't about the phone it was about him. I found myself sizing up everything about him on some super hater-ish. "His shirt ain't all that. He sittin here poppin, but he can't be getting the money he say he gettin. He ain't no fly dude...whoopty whoop" The end result of our interview was me not wanting the Bold anymore and now I'm online looking at iPhones. Which I swore I would never buy until exactly one day ago. Ain't that some sh*t...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Judge Dredd

In 2009, I've tried to work on being less judgmental. I've spent a lot of my life judging others and painting people with large paintbrushes. This was fine with me until I was put in a situation where someone I cared about was (in my opinion) judgmental of me. It struck me when I pleaded that just because I lied, I'm not a liar. Just because I cheated, I'm not a cheater. I then saw the situation for what it was. God wanted to humble me. Up until that point, I had many discussions with people about my very "black-and-white" perspective on life. You were either right or wrong. You were either good or bad. It worked for me because my mind had created a world where I was always right and I was always good. When I went through that situation, for the first time in my life, I questioned whether or not I was a good person. I questioned everything about myself. Am I a liar? Am I no good for anyone? Am I really that selfish? For a few months I beat myself up. I became a recluse. I didn't want to go anywhere. I didn't want to meet any new people. I felt that I didn't deserve to be seen. I felt I didn't even deserve to talk to my family for a time. "They're good people, I don't deserve to associate myself with them." Not until I realized that nobody is perfect could I look myself in the mirror. I had to learn how to forgive myself. I had to acknowledge the many shades of gray that colour the world. Now, when someone does something that I think is wrong, I don't quickly jump on my soapbox and condemn. I don't even mentally jump to a conclusion about their character. I simply let it be. It isn't my duty to correct or admonish them. Change is an internal process not an external one. My only job is to focus on MY path, work on MY faults, and in doing that I hope to attract others who do the same and inspire those who do not.

"When we see men of contrary character, we should turn inward and examine ourselves."
- Confucius

The Light Is On

Had a job interview today...I think it went well, but I'll find out tomorrow if they like me enough to give me a job. I really hope they do. I feel like, in the situation that I'm in, living with my co-workers, people tend to de-value what I do. At first I was mad, but then I told myself that I can't be mad at human nature. When people have the ability to have use you on an almost "on-call" basis all day every day, they don't have the time to appreciate what you do because there's never a time when you're not there.

For so long (almost 2 and a half years), I've sacrificed how I want to live now, for where I want to be later. Not that that's a bad thing, but I think I may have taken that ethos to the extreme. I've been exploring the music industry for some time now, and learned a lot about myself. I've been broker than broke, and I've been just okay, but I've yet to maximize my earning power in this industry. One thing I've noticed in this industry is that many people (like myself)do dumb things (ie don't get regular jobs) because of this ideal of "sacrifice". We almost attach a kind of nobility to being broke until we "make it". We create illogical barriers such as "I can't get a job, because if I do, people in the industry might see me working, and that will hurt my reputation in the business." How foolish is this arguing why you can't get a job, but also argue that you have to make it a point to look like you have money. We perpetuate this "fake it 'til you make it" proverb, which only continues the vicious cycle of ni@@az doin ni@@a sh*t.

I say all of that to say, that I now refuse to live this life anymore. I refuse to be the best dressed poor guy you know (clothes bought when I HAD a job). Today I watched someone go through their phone looking for someone they could borrow gas money from, get the money, come back and put on a $600 outfit (literally) and go about their business. I'm not judging in any way, because I am guilty of committing the same act of coonery (not quite $600, but maybe $150). I only use that as a microcosm of what is going on in this industry.

To paraphrase the famous Pogo quote: I have met the enemy, and he is I.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Wrap Up

Haven't posted in a few days, so just gonna bounce around to sum up the last couple days...

- Got a call from an old homie from college. It was great to catch up and talk about how things are going with each other. Oddly enough, we got closer after college. We're just on the same page about a lot of things in our lives, and it was great to hear about him a semester away from finishing law school. He doesn't know it, but I admire him in a way.

- My sister and I have communicated in some way or form (via phone or text) for the last week and a half. We haven't talked this much since high school and I LOVE IT. I had called her a couple months ago and just apologized to her for not fulfilling my end as her brother and promised to put more effort in letting her know that I care for her and have her back whenever she needs me. It feels good to see how that is paying off for both of us.

- My feelings were kind of hurt this week by an artist I work with, that made a comment to me on the phone, that let me know that he doesn't really appreciate what I do for him. Among other things, I gave this broke a$$ negro one of my double waffles at Waffle House the other day. For those that know me, I've never been too giving with my food, to say the least. And I WANTED that d@mn double waffle too! I've decided to distance myself for a bit and keep our relationship more "business".

- I got a position working one day a week in the law offices of a prominent judge and entertainment lawyer. I'm EXCITED!!!

- Today was Communion Sunday at church and the sermon was about "Re-commitment". The pastor asked if there was one aspect of your life that you could do again, which one would it be? My mind quickly created a laundry list. But the more I prayed on it, I knew that most of it was directly related to my steps away from the church. In my constant hustling, I stopped going to church and my life lost a lot of its direction. I'm in no way a bible-thumper or the most religious guy you would know, but I do understand the spiritual "food" that church gives me. With that, I've decided to "re-commit" myself to regular church attendance. Another step in the right direction.

- It's cold outside. Time to pull out the fall clothes.

- To be honest. Obama is disappointing me a little bit. He's sinking into what I was afraid of, doing so many things that nothing gets done. Healthcare no. Immigration no. Afghanistan no. Promise of a "New Washington" no. The list can go on and on.

- I need a really good book. I've been reading nerdy stuff (legal history, american history, biographical) lately. I need something that just has a good story.