Friday, October 23, 2009


At my job, I've noticed that most of the guys that work there are married with children. And from what it seems, happily married. Working at the airport, you see beautiful women all over the place. Hartsfield is the busiest airport in the world, so as you can expect, beautiful people from all over the country fly through daily. What I can't understand is virtually all of the married men are so openly "thirsty" after other women. Telling me how to get numbers without appearing to be flirting and the like. I make an effort to not venture to assume anything about the status of their marriages, but I do question how you are bold enough to "holla" with a wedding ring on.

While I was in college, my ex and I wore something akin to promise rings on our wedding fingers (I had discussed to her a friend of mine that was doing that and she suggested we do the same...long story short). Me personally, I felt that the ring was a constant reminder of her. We were dating long distance at the time, and I kind of felt like Frodo from Lord of the Rings, when I put the ring on she was watching me. Needless to say, there was no cheating during that time (could have also been to us still being in the somewhat honeymoon period, but that's neither here nor there).

Let me qualify by saying that I have cheated in the past. But I won't go as far as saying that I am a cheater (I believed I addressed this in an earlier blog). But one thing that I know I will not do is cheat on my wife. I've had this conversation with a few friends of mine who also agree that they will not cheat on their wife. Most of the thinking behind this I've found is based on the idea that marriage is a vow before God, thus it is placed on a higher pedestal than dating someone (most men do value marriage more than women think they do btw).

Now I've heard the "once a cheater, always a cheater" and "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", but I disagree with the premise that people don't change. I agree that you can't change people, but that doesn't mean that they cannot change themselves. In fact, I believe people are in a perpetual state of change. When you fail to change, you begin to die. I also believe anyone can change anything they want to about themselves, with hard work, determination, and God.

I haven't discussed this much with women, so I don't know if they judge a difference between say, dating someone for 2-3 years, and marrying them, but I will say that for most men, at least the ones that I know, there is a HUGE difference.

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