Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Wrap Up

Haven't posted in a few days, so just gonna bounce around to sum up the last couple days...

- Got a call from an old homie from college. It was great to catch up and talk about how things are going with each other. Oddly enough, we got closer after college. We're just on the same page about a lot of things in our lives, and it was great to hear about him a semester away from finishing law school. He doesn't know it, but I admire him in a way.

- My sister and I have communicated in some way or form (via phone or text) for the last week and a half. We haven't talked this much since high school and I LOVE IT. I had called her a couple months ago and just apologized to her for not fulfilling my end as her brother and promised to put more effort in letting her know that I care for her and have her back whenever she needs me. It feels good to see how that is paying off for both of us.

- My feelings were kind of hurt this week by an artist I work with, that made a comment to me on the phone, that let me know that he doesn't really appreciate what I do for him. Among other things, I gave this broke a$$ negro one of my double waffles at Waffle House the other day. For those that know me, I've never been too giving with my food, to say the least. And I WANTED that d@mn double waffle too! I've decided to distance myself for a bit and keep our relationship more "business".

- I got a position working one day a week in the law offices of a prominent judge and entertainment lawyer. I'm EXCITED!!!

- Today was Communion Sunday at church and the sermon was about "Re-commitment". The pastor asked if there was one aspect of your life that you could do again, which one would it be? My mind quickly created a laundry list. But the more I prayed on it, I knew that most of it was directly related to my steps away from the church. In my constant hustling, I stopped going to church and my life lost a lot of its direction. I'm in no way a bible-thumper or the most religious guy you would know, but I do understand the spiritual "food" that church gives me. With that, I've decided to "re-commit" myself to regular church attendance. Another step in the right direction.

- It's cold outside. Time to pull out the fall clothes.

- To be honest. Obama is disappointing me a little bit. He's sinking into what I was afraid of, doing so many things that nothing gets done. Healthcare no. Immigration no. Afghanistan no. Promise of a "New Washington" no. The list can go on and on.

- I need a really good book. I've been reading nerdy stuff (legal history, american history, biographical) lately. I need something that just has a good story.

1 comment:

Freckles said...

I enjoyed this post.

I have to say that I have enjoyed facebook because I have beem able to reconnect with people that I once truly cared about. Now we talkoften (on and offline). I too have a sister and cherish the conversations we have. We have always been close but I sometimes feel guilty for not being in the same city since I moved to Atlanta. I have found a church that has been truly a blessing to me ans sometimes you need to fellowhship in the church. It can be a good thing. I have seen my growth and it has made me open to new ideas and the greater good. I believe that it is a good thing when a person can see their own growth and potential.