Sunday, October 11, 2009

ADD Blog

- Obama does NOT deserve the Nobel Peace's YOUR healthcare looking?

- I went to Sonic for the first time Friday and let my inner fat boy out. It was ugly. I won't give the details. Just know that if I plan on keeping my current weight (183lbs), I won't be takin my black a$$ there again anytime soon.

- I had my first "I think I'm getting old" moment Friday night. One of the lil homies had his 20 birthday party at his crib and I stopped through to give him my blessing. After about 20 mins, I noticed the room full of skinny jeans and extremely too loud talking and said to myself "Wtf am I doin here?!" I exited stage left promptly.

- We've all heard of the pretty women problem of thirsty negroes tryin to holla while they're shoppin at wal-mart/target. What we haven't heard enough of is the handsome negro problem of thirsty females tryin to make eye contact while you shoppin at wal-mart/target tryin to get you to holla at them. It's called esteem of SELF simpleb#@ch...

- Note to women...if that ain't yo man...he's DEFINITELY gonna show those pictures and/or videos of yo butt booty naked a$$ to ALL of the know it. He knows it. Stop actin so d@mn green...

- I realized yet again how much a dude will change about himself if he really likes a girl watchin one of the homies fall in love (AGAIN). It's absolutely amazing how a special woman can change a man. I know me personally, I'd much rather take a dinner and a movie than a night out at the club any day (If I like ya)....I'd prefer a day chillin at the crib with movie rentals, fattening food, and moscato over dinner and a movie or a night out at the club any day (If I REALLY like ya)...

- These last few months of the year are going to be good...I can feel it!