Wednesday, July 18, 2007

World Series of Who Has Less Sex (with an actual woman)

For some reason, whenever I turn on the television, this "World Series of Pop Culture" is always on. Apparently, there are teams of Pop Culture nerds, that watch SO much TV, and SO many movies, and listen to SO much music, that they feel the need to compete in their lameness, since they probably can't compete in anything else.

First, lets discuss the guys. These guys are OBVIOUSLY nerds. I bet the only women they see are on TV (or perhaps the chicks that also entered this "World Series", but then it's not to have sex, but merely watch 21 Jump Street together to memorize lines). I also laugh at their smugness when they know the answer. They answer with this sort of "I'm SO gonna get laid for knowing this" kind of tone. Little do they know that women aren't impressed at your ability to remember lines from bad 80's songs.

The women are a conundrum to me. Some of them are actually ATTRACTIVE. I justify it in my mind with the idea that there must be some serious personality issues with these women if they stay at home ALL the time watching TV. The other ones, you know the phenotype of the other ones...well, we KNOW why they at home.

It is rather ingenious of the person in the boardroom that came up with this idea of Jeopardy for the younger generation. Hey, they catch me putting down the remote for 20 minutes or so (How else would I be able to write this blog). The only catch is you're only cool if you win the prize money. Winning might actually increase your standing with the opposite sex, losing, well, hey, when it comes to the opposite sex, that's probably what these people are used to.

I'm tired of typing, where's the remote....

1 comment:

? said...

The questions are pretty basic and mainstream. To know most of the answers they ask you just kinda had to be aware not necessarily sitting at home all day everyday watching tv.