Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year Updates

This New Year has started off pretty well...updates:

- I'm no longer working the PM shift (2pm-8pm) at work. I'm now working the AM shift (7am-2pm). Some ppl can't get up in the morning but I have no problem getting up when there's some money to be made! AM shift means more money for ya boy so I goin 1000 at 5am.

- Went to see some family back home but didn't get to see my little brothers. I was disappointed because besides my mother, they're really the only reason I bother going back. I stopped by their house, but they weren't home. Plus they don't have a house/cell phone to contact them, so I guess I have to get back to writing letters so we can communicate....hmpf...might have to invest in some kinda prepaid phone for them or sumthin..

- Got into contact with my ex over the new years because now that I'm making some very decent money, I'm in a position where I can help her in the way that she helped me when I was without. For those that are wondering, this is no hidden agenda attempt to rekindle the flame or make her dependent upon me. This is only an attempt to repay what was given to me with no strings. It is now my turn to do the same. And honestly, I am grateful for the opportunity...

- I recently got a gym membership (too d@mn cold to be workin out in the garage at the house) and had a free session with a personal trainer today. The session went great and I think I might have to make that investment in myself and enroll in their steep a$$ personal training program. I have the drive, and this guy (the personal trainer) has the knowledge to help me reach my fitness goals. SIGN ME UP!!!

- I've been placing my law school applications lower on my priority list for reasons I cannot in my right mind justify. For some reason, I have a tremendous fear of rejection from any of the law schools I apply to. I can't really explain it, but for some reason, negative thoughts permeate my mind whenever I think about the law school application process. It is a problem that I'm going to have to be willing to face head on sooner rather than later. My future happiness depends on it.

- I really REALLY need to invest in a couple tins of Carmex. For the past week, I've been at work lookin like LL Cool J lickin my d@mn lips every ten seconds, even while I'm talkin to customers. This old white lady must have thought I was comin onto her, because she said, "I know why they hired you...cuz you're a CUTIE!" [awkward silence] Uh, thanks Methuselah....

That is all! (I think....)

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