Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I finally saw the movie "Precious" last night. I would say that I'm never going to see that movie again, but I would recommend that everyone see it because it is a powerful movie. I saw some promo material for the movie wherein Oprah says, "This movie is our generation's Color Purple." I must respectfully disagree with Lady O. While both movies possess parts that are difficult to watch, Precious actually made my stomach turn at times. I also think that the Color Purple left the moviegoer with a feeling that it all works out in the end, Precious does no such thing. Precious takes you out of movieland with happy endings and into the real world which is (at times) far more brutal and cold.

Ultimately, the overwhelming feeling of reality throughout Precious makes for a more soul-wrenching experience. I would tell anyone who hasn't seen it to do so, at least to put your life in some kind of perspective. Next time you wanna complain about something, think about C.Precious Jones.

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