Saturday, August 22, 2009

Highlights and Lowlights


- Chased down a few checks for the company today
- Spent a couple of hours listening to tales from the dope game
- Got a sneak peak at a record I'm not supposed to have
- My man's 3 year old FINALLY smiled and said hello when she saw me
- Woke up


- iTunes started askin me to reformat my iPod (fellow iPeople understand)
- Car started trippin so gotta get it looked at tomorrow
- Some old lady got beat up and robbed in the neighborhood (didn't happen to me but that sucks anyway)
- Spent almost 2 hours of my life watching the movie "Fighting" with Channing Tatum and Terrence Howard (if you've seen "Lionheart" with Jean Claude Van've seen "Fighting" already)
- Being up at 4am on a Saturday morning when I didn't go out the night before

That's all...all in all...just another day in the life...

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