Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Lately I've been trying to find a part-time job within the legal realm. Thought it would be a great way for me to get back into the field before I do the law school thing. Plus would be a great place to get last minute references :) Anyways, I've applied for a couple of positions, but for some reason, I haven't heard anything back. Most of them have been on Craigslist, and being that there are no phone numbers I've had to just send a follow-up email to the same random email that I initially sent my cover letter and resume to.

What is bugging me, is why wouldn't I hear anything back? I don't know how other people operate, but when I apply for a job and nobody calls me back, I take it personal. For one, I'm not one of those people that just send generic cover letters to everyone they apply for. I take the time to personalize each one. Two, I don't just apply to any old place with an opening. I make sure I'm qualified for each position I apply for. Thirdly, I think I'm a damn good worker. So what's really good? I don't know...

I'll update on how this goes...

PS - Currently listening to Kevin Michael - We All Want the Same Thing...QUALITY

1 comment:

Katlynne/Ms. Downlow said...

It's so hard to be noticed in today's job market, because there are so many applicant's for the same job.

Employers may take more time to send you a rejection, or thank you letter. Or, they may forgo it to save money in this economy.

Love your thoughts here!

Thanks for leaving a very meaningful comment on my blog, you are much appreciated!

Wish you had a followers widget, I'd follow you. Won't you come back and be one of my followers?

Katlynne LaSalle aka ms downlow