Thursday, July 23, 2009

Black In America 2

I wasn't able to watch the whole thing. In fact, all I really caught was the last hour of part 2, but in that too short hour I definitely was reminded of one thing: how incredibly blessed I am. I watched the story of Chris Shern (Sorry don't know how to spell his last name) and I thought how, so very easily, I could've been him. I didn't grow up poor, but I didn't grow up rich either. I watched my single mother with two children at 21, keep our family together when she only had $20 for two weeks after paying the bills, work her way through college, then graduate school, to get herself and her children a better life. I thank God so much for that. Watching Chris's story, I thought about my life and how whenever I think or thought about resorting to another less legal lifestyle to pay my bills, or take my girl out to eat, that little voice in my head (which I know is God) pulled me back. I understood Chris's frustration. Most men want to be able to provide for those he loves, and when he can't, it can definitely feel like the walls are closing in. Temptation calls daily. Especially when there aren't people in your life that pray for you (which I have thankfully). I saw the story of the older guy (I can't recall his name) that had the heart attack and a host of other health ailments. I thanked God for my health. I saw the story of the Harlem's Children Zone and I thought of my mother. She was my Geoffrey Canada. She always had high expectations for my sister and I. I believe today, the number one reason that I am the intelligent (I like to think) young brotha I am today is because, for as long as I can remember, my mom always said I was smart. She said it so often to the point that I felt I had to perform up to that standard. I attacked everything from the perspective that I'm smart enough to learn anything because my mom said so.

I thank God that I had the opportunities that I had in my life. I thank God for the various guardian angels He put in my life to help me through and get me where I am. Now by no means am I where I want to be or have achieved what I feel God planned for me to achieve, but I know I wouldn't be where I am without his hand on my life. That's why I have "God's Plan" tatted on my arm. I know He has a plan for me that is great and beautifully crafted for me and only me. Thank you God.

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