Monday, July 6, 2009


I'm currently in Ohio seeing my family (most of us are in Ohio). Everytime I come back, I get an overwhelming sense of self-confidence and reassurance. As far as self-confidence, I don't think outwardly I have any problems with it, but I know that sometimes my self-confidence comes across as arrogance and that is an internal issue of self-confidence. Internally, self-confidence isn't spoken, it's felt. I know we could always use reassurance, especially when we are at somewhat of a crossroads in our lives, which I feel like I'm in right now. Seeing family reminds me that no matter what, whichever path I choose, however I may feel about myself, there are those that love me absolutely unconditionally. It is my goal for this year to strengthen my communication with them while I'm away so I can tap into those feelings when I'm not around. When I see them, I see me. I see six of us sleeping feet to head in a twin bed. Baths in the kitchen sink. I see times where all we had was our love for each other and us being together to make it through. I see how my cousins' faces light up when they see me, the one in Atlanta "doing big things." I feel my need to make it happen not only for me, but for them. I see my little brothers, who are so excited to have an older brother and want to follow me everywhere I go and never want me to leave. I see a lot of things. But the most important thing I see is the love we all have for each other and how I know that love is NEVER going anywhere.

"What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life - to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories." ~George Eliot

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